Creation often
needs two hearts
one to root
and one to flower
One to sustain
in time of drouth
and hold fast
against winds of pain
the fragile bloom
that in the glory
of its hours
affirms a heart
unsung, unseen.
--- Marilou Awiakta
neděle 6. listopadu 2011
pondělí 24. října 2011
Missing You
The waves of the sea
are not more eager
to reach the shore
than I am
to reach you.
The ocean
is in my bed.
are not more eager
to reach the shore
than I am
to reach you.
The ocean
is in my bed.
sobota 22. října 2011
Crossing to Avalon
Once we enter [the labyrinth], ordinary
time and distance are immaterial,
we are in the midst of a ritual and a
journey where transformation is possible;
we do not know how far away or
close we are to the center where meaning
can be found until we are there;
the way back is not obvious and we
have no way of knowing as we emerge
how or when we will take the experience
back into the world until we do.
There are no blind ends in a labyrinth,
the path often doubles back on itself,
the direction toward which we are facing
is continually changing, and if we
do not turn back or give up we will
reach the center to find the rose, the
Goddess, the Grail. To return
to ordinary life, we must again travel
the labyrinth to get out, which is also a
complex journey for it involves integrating
the experience into consciousness,
which is what changes us.
-- Jean Shinoda Bolen
![]() |
Labyrinth in the Grace Cathedral, San Francisco |
sobota 8. října 2011
The People´s Prayer
... You have been with me from the earliest rocking of
my cradle up until this present moment.
You know our heart, our Father,
And all de range of our deceitful minds.
And if you find anything like sin lurking
In and around our hearts,
Ah ast you, my Father, and my wonder-workin´ God,
To pluck it out
And cast it into de sea of fuhgitfulness,
Where it will never rise to harm us in dis world
Nor condemn us in de judgement.
You heard me when Ah laid at hell´s dark door
With no weapon in my hand
And no God in my heart,
And cried for three long days and nights.
You heard me, Lawd,
And stooped so low
And snatched me from the hell
Of eternal death and damnation.
You cut loose my stammerin´ tongue;
You established my feet on de rock of salvation
And yo´ voice was heard in rumblin´ judgement.
I thank Thee that my last night´s sleepin´ couch
Was not my coolin´ board
And my cover
Was not my windin´ sheet.
Speak to de sinner-man and bless ´im.
Touch all those
Who have been down to de doors of degradation.
Ketch de man dat´s layin´ in danger of consumin´ fire;
And, Lawd,
When Ah kin pray no mo´.
When Ah done drunk down de last cup of sorrow,
Look on me, yo´ weak servant who feels de least of all.
Point my soul a restin´ place
Where Ah kin set down and praise yo´ name forever
Is my prayer for Jesus´ sake
Amen and thank God.
my cradle up until this present moment.
You know our heart, our Father,
And all de range of our deceitful minds.
And if you find anything like sin lurking
In and around our hearts,
Ah ast you, my Father, and my wonder-workin´ God,
To pluck it out
And cast it into de sea of fuhgitfulness,
Where it will never rise to harm us in dis world
Nor condemn us in de judgement.
You heard me when Ah laid at hell´s dark door
With no weapon in my hand
And no God in my heart,
And cried for three long days and nights.
You heard me, Lawd,
And stooped so low
And snatched me from the hell
Of eternal death and damnation.
You cut loose my stammerin´ tongue;
You established my feet on de rock of salvation
And yo´ voice was heard in rumblin´ judgement.
I thank Thee that my last night´s sleepin´ couch
Was not my coolin´ board
And my cover
Was not my windin´ sheet.
Speak to de sinner-man and bless ´im.
Touch all those
Who have been down to de doors of degradation.
Ketch de man dat´s layin´ in danger of consumin´ fire;
And, Lawd,
When Ah kin pray no mo´.
When Ah done drunk down de last cup of sorrow,
Look on me, yo´ weak servant who feels de least of all.
Point my soul a restin´ place
Where Ah kin set down and praise yo´ name forever
Is my prayer for Jesus´ sake
Amen and thank God.
pondělí 26. září 2011
The River Has Its Destination
We have been telling the people that this is the
Eleventh Hour
Now we must go back and tell the people this is the
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast
It is so great and swift that there are those who will
be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and they
will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The Elders say we must let go of the whore, and
push off and into the river, keep our eyes open, and
our head above the water.
See who is in there with you and Celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing
Least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth
and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and
your vocabulary.
All that you do now must be done in a sacred
And in celebration.
"We are the ones we have been waiting for..."
-- The Elders, Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona
Eleventh Hour
Now we must go back and tell the people this is the
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast
It is so great and swift that there are those who will
be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and they
will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The Elders say we must let go of the whore, and
push off and into the river, keep our eyes open, and
our head above the water.
See who is in there with you and Celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing
Least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth
and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and
your vocabulary.
All that you do now must be done in a sacred
And in celebration.
"We are the ones we have been waiting for..."
-- The Elders, Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona
sobota 10. září 2011
In Flagrante Delicto
This will be just a short post: I´ve been writing for my thesis for four days almost without intermissions, I have also downloaded my first book, Angels in My Hair, to my kindle - I read a chapter before going to sleep after watching the news at night; and I shall be singing in a little while with my choir.
Today after lunch, I caught my Dad watching my Mom, who was talking to her granddaughter through a window. My Mom was smiling kindly at my niece, she talked in a soft voice and had sparks in her eyes. My Dad had a blissful smile on his face... I thought how much they love each other. I have never heard them say it aloud. But his quiet posture with that loving smile... it was beautiful and I felt embarrassed to even breathe how much I enjoyed their speechless communication.
I know that it might be weird how I will continue, but immediately afterwards I thought: When does a person die? There must be only two instances because as long as you have something to go after / to achieve, God wouldn´t let you die. Thus, I believe that it must be either at a point when you apeace yourself with the rest of the world and even your biggest enemy becomes your friend or you die off a bitter exhaustion trying to guard your cold and stone-like heart.
středa 29. června 2011
Article for Application for a Job PR Manager
Činnost Médií na Ostravsku
Po ukončení studijních a pracovních stáží v zahraničí a pobývání ve světových velkoměstech jsem se vrátila domů na severní Moravu a s čistým svědomím jsem si opět mohla říct: „Nic se tu nezměnilo.“ Často se ptám, jestli problém leží v nás obyvatelích anebo v zarytých stereotypech, které v nás vidí zbytek České republiky? Co třeba „Ruda z Ostravy,“ který má na Frekvenci 1 pravidelný vstup od pravého poledne do druhé hodiny odpolední: krátký zobák, velmi tvrdá výslovnost, která se místy podobá Polštině a cynicko-sarkastický humor. Těžko soudit, jestli má větší potěšení z vysílání posluchač nebo hlasatel, který snaží zesměšňovat a iritovat lidi banálními otázkami.
Po ukončení studijních a pracovních stáží v zahraničí a pobývání ve světových velkoměstech jsem se vrátila domů na severní Moravu a s čistým svědomím jsem si opět mohla říct: „Nic se tu nezměnilo.“ Často se ptám, jestli problém leží v nás obyvatelích anebo v zarytých stereotypech, které v nás vidí zbytek České republiky? Co třeba „Ruda z Ostravy,“ který má na Frekvenci 1 pravidelný vstup od pravého poledne do druhé hodiny odpolední: krátký zobák, velmi tvrdá výslovnost, která se místy podobá Polštině a cynicko-sarkastický humor. Těžko soudit, jestli má větší potěšení z vysílání posluchač nebo hlasatel, který snaží zesměšňovat a iritovat lidi banálními otázkami.
Jednoduchost se s pravidelností objevuje při hláskování internetových odkazů v rádiích. Vlivem především anglicky mluvících zemí na Český jazyk se stalo již pravidlem, že se přejímají anglická slova bez snahy slovo přeložit anebo vymyslet slovo nové. Proto se ptám, proč tedy „netourujeme“ s Duha T-o-u-r, když se nám takto představují na Rádiu Orion? Ona by Výletnická Duha asi vzbuzovala představu nedalekých Tater namísto Jadranského pobřeží a my chceme přeci být světoví, viďte?
Neodmyslitelnou součástí života řidičova jsou pak billboardy. Po rychlostní silnici Rudná směrem na Frýdek-Místek je billboard s reklamou na okna. Velkoplošná tabule předvádí na 90% plakátu obnaženou ženou, 10% zabírá modrá obloha a pozorný řidič snad i zaregistruje, že dané okno svírá svůdná a smyslná žena v dlaních před svou, již od pohledu hebce hladkou, hrudí. Spoře oděné ženy se na billboardech objevují zcela běžně a jejich koncentrace je zarážející. Jakoby Ostravsko fungovalo na porno průmyslu, přitom všichni víme, ze nejvyšší koncentrace právě zmíněného odvětví je přesně na opačném konci republiky.
Reklama na okna je tedy zaměřená jenom na řidiče mužského pohlaví. Není však žena stěžejním pilířem nákupu a prodeje? Následkem může být, že řidičky se za volantem nejenom nudí, ale v dnešní době emancipace, se také mohou urazit a na danou firmu zanevřít. Tento fenomén je zcela běžný a spoře oděné ženy doplňují neoholení obézní pivní „štamgasti.“ Nicméně, reklama s dvěma zarostlými chlapy s chmelovými nápoji, ženám lichotit asi taky nebude. Jakoby se snad lidé scházeli po pracovní době v restauračních zařízeních a domů se vraceli mírně odlehčeným „měsíčním“ krokem jenom v Podbeskydí, kde národní hrdost vzrůstá přímou úměrou s počtem do sebe otočených Radegast desítek.
Proto jako zástupkyni něžného pohlaví by mě mile překvapilo, kdyby se alespoň na jednom billboardu objevil pohledný, lehce opálený mladý muž – třeba by mohl stát v krámě s pečivem. Myslím, že by nám, ženám, chléb chutnal mnohem lépe a třeba bychom ho v naději, že se u pultu objeví pan dokonalý, kupovaly mnohem častěji. Otázkou zůstává, jak by pánové zareagovali na vzor mužnosti, který bychom jim bez výčitek mohly začít diktovat? Spadne jim hřebínek, když ani jedné z nás nespadne čelit při pohledu na orosený „lahváč“ a zarostlou bradu? Začnou chodit na pedikúry, manikúry, liposukce, a depilace?
Netuším, jestli zaměření se na muže jako na sexuální objekt by nebylo příliš laciné a zpátečnické. Myslím, že bychom raději měli usilovat o zvýšení jazykové, gendrově a sexuálně neutrální úrovně zaujetí zákazníka, a že bychom měli působit na pocity bezpečí a to především v období ekonomické krize. Přece jen lze pozorovat, že Ostrava a přilehlé vesnice se za posledních pár let demograficky hodně změnily: vysoké školy každým okem chrlí tisíce nových absolventů, pracovní trh se pomalu proměňuje z čistě sekundárního sektoru na terciární, který vyžaduje vyšší technologickou a jazykovou vzdělanost. Tak se před ostatními neponižujme a nastavme laťku vysoko. A jak by řekl Ruda z Ostravy: „Ať si i Pepíci sednou na prdel a zduřte!“
S úctou
pátek 7. ledna 2011
I Love You
Why does she keep booking tickets home but can never stay?
Why do her friends show her support, worth and way but her parents make her... called her an ungrateful bastard?
Is passion for life a synonym for death which is being chiselled in her eyes?
Should she ever come back?
Or should she teach her parents speak her language to have a little talk?
My nails have glitter but I cannot see them shine.
My skin is beautifully pale and soft - A gift from gradma; not only that, my parents say; I always wonder what they mean. - but today it has a shade of sorrow: could not see its beauty cause of a stronger reflection of sad eyes.
My lips look so strict and cold and not everyone finds the bravery to breach the illusion - though the reflection portrays a life with a promise of a vibrant ruby...
A promise?
A life?
But. Tears give them color.
I mean it.
I feel it.
I have just never been taught to say it.
Why do her friends show her support, worth and way but her parents make her... called her an ungrateful bastard?
Is passion for life a synonym for death which is being chiselled in her eyes?
Should she ever come back?
Or should she teach her parents speak her language to have a little talk?
My nails have glitter but I cannot see them shine.
My skin is beautifully pale and soft - A gift from gradma; not only that, my parents say; I always wonder what they mean. - but today it has a shade of sorrow: could not see its beauty cause of a stronger reflection of sad eyes.
My lips look so strict and cold and not everyone finds the bravery to breach the illusion - though the reflection portrays a life with a promise of a vibrant ruby...
A promise?
A life?
But. Tears give them color.
I mean it.
I feel it.
I have just never been taught to say it.
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